Press Release For release immediately
New Autism Program Opening in Yeadon, PA
A blended educational and clinical program with 40 spaces available for autistic toddlers & preschoolers
Yeadon, PA – June 25, 2012 – So Love Autistic Center today announced
preparations to open this Fall in the borough of Yeadon, PA, this program offers a unique integrated service delivery model that incorporates the developmental, educational and therapeutic interventions needed for autistic toddlers ages two through six to transition to mainstream education. The founders understand the need for families to sustain an adequate quality of life while caring for their autistic child, the incorporation of full-time daycare hours into the program model will surely assist this process. Operation hours will be Monday- Friday 6:30 AM – 6:30 PM. An enriched parent support and training program will supplement the skills acquired in the center, which parents can effectively implement in the home. So Love Autistic Center aids in filling a prevalent gap in services for autism children and their families.
“We are excited about this opportunity and the families we can touch along with the children that will benefit from these unique services,” says Raheem A. David, Co-founder.
So Love Autistic Center has assembled a committed and experienced team with a wide range of skills and experiences to provide families with autistic children the support they need in one location. Parents will have the opportunity to meet the needs of their children without having two to three appointments a week at different locations, this streamline service delivery offers increased accountability and consistency with treatment progress. Students will benefit from a specialized autism curriculum that emphasizes development across skill domains, e.g. communication, socialization, and behavior. While our licensed and trained staff provide parental support and training that fosters independence and increases skills that parents can utilize independently in the home.
About So Love Autistic Center
The So Love Autistic Center provides structured, comprehensive therapeutic services, through a specialized, curriculum designed for toddlers and preschoolers. Supported by the principles of developmental psychology and applied behavior analysis, the teaching interventions are delivered within play-based, relationship-focused routines. So Love Autistic Center is an organization with a commitment to empowering the families we serve, affording them a consistent opportunity to contribute to the marketplace and expand their ability to support their family, by relieving the burden of needing adequate and developmentally appropriate daycare services for their autistic child.
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Contact information (press members only):
Venus A.David
So Love Autistic Center
Press Release For release immediately
So Love Autistic Center & The Chapel of The Good Shepherd Team up for Autism in Yeadon, PA
Chapel of Good Shepherd is offering usage of underutilized space in their building for the new program coming Fall 2012
Yeadon, PA – July 19, 2012– So Love Autistic Center(SOLA) and Chapel of Good Shepherd (COGS) announced today their collaboration in bringing an autism program with full-time daycare to the borough of Yeadon. This project developed when, founder of So Love Autistic Center, Venus David approached Rev. Hepkins about the unused space in the lower level of their edifice. After a few meetings, it was agreed upon this venture would mutually benefit all parties involved, particularly the borough of Yeadon. So Love Autistic Center will have over 2200 square feet of program area along with outdoor space to meet the varying needs of their students. With Yeadon, PA strategically positioned on the cusp of Southeast DelCo entering into Southwest Philadelphia, So Love Autistic Center can readily provide much-needed autism services to these neighboring communities.
The Chapel of the Good Shepherd, affectionately known as, “The Chapel” or “COGS” was founded in 1981 under the leadership of Pastor Robert E. Briggs, who remains Pastor Emeritus. Rev. Rohan K. Hepkins, the current Pastor began his tenure at the Chapel in 1997. Rev. Hepkins has also served the community in previous positions as Chairman of the Civil Service Commission for 7 years and is currently on the Yeadon Zoning Board. A recent Mayoral candidate, he has advocated a strong church role within the community; part of his vision is to see Yeadon grow as a vibrant community – with the church serving her residents as the centerpiece of community fellowship and diversity under Christ’s Lordship. The Chapel’s fellowship currently has 12 distinct nationalities represented.
So Love Autistic Center is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization that provides structured, comprehensive therapeutic services, through a specialized curriculum designed for toddlers and preschoolers, with full-time daycare hours. Supported by the principles of developmental psychology and applied behavior analysis, the teaching interventions are delivered within play-based, relationship-focused routines.
“We believe this partnership will serve the residents in the surrounding community in a relevant and practical way,” says Venus David, Founder/CEO.
This collaboration, which has received a groundswell of support will have long-term benefits to parents, communities and specifically autistic children. To ensure families receive the best quality of care, a fundraiser has started to garner funds for this project.